
Sadhana and the Power of Aum (“Om”)

Sadhana and the power of Aum "om"

In Vedic philosophy there is a concept known as sadhana.Sadhanais a Sanskrit word whose root, sadh, means “to reclaim that which is divine in us, our power to heal, serve, rejoice, and uplift the spirit.” Sadhanapractices encompass all our daily activities, from the simple to the sublime. These practices aim to help live you in harmony with the cycles of nature and to move to the rhythms of the cosmos. When you begin to do this, your mind becomes more fluid and peaceful and your health can improve. Your entire life can become easier.  

When you begin to practice yoga and Ayurveda, your first responsibility is to look beneath the various disguises  assumed over the years and see yourself as you truly are. The more you find out about yourself and your strengths and weakness, the more you will learn about your body, mind, and spirit and their innate power. You will awaken to your own self-healing abilities. In Ayurveda, there is a belief that disease happens from within, and so too must any cure. From this perspective, we can view any disturbance or illness as an opportunity to go deeper into ourselves to discover what changes we need to make in order to heal our bodies, our feelings, and our lives.

Each of us was born on this earth to fulfill a unique purpose. The Vedas call this purpose our dharmaand teach that by following the path of sadhana, we will achieve harmony with it. Harmony already exists at the core of every human life. Once we become conscious, we are able to recognize it. We become aware of the blessedness that surrounds us, the serenity in our living space after a long day’s work, the beauty of dusk glimpsed through the windows, the sweetness of sparrows’ songs, and the warmth of the colors of the autumn leaves.

When we are aware of our inner harmony, our power of intuition becomes active. We become more expressive, more fully alive, and more in tune with our bodies and all our healing energies. This intuition, together with our rational mind, will help us heal and bring all aspects of our lives into balance.

The Sanskrit word Aum(meaning “source” and transliterated as “Om”) represents pure consciousness. Through the Vedic practice of chanting mantras that begin and end with Aum, we harness the inner power of our intuition. The fact that the Biblical word amenand Koranic word aminmirror the Aumsound suggests that Aumtranscends the vocabulary of any single religion. It’s the highest vibrational sound of the universe, for the universe, and from the universe. The Vedic seers tell us that as the universe’s most sacred sound, Aumresonates within in the space of the sixth chakra, located mid-brow, between the eyes, in the area known as the “third eye.” Modern science now this defines this area as the pineal gland, which regulates reproductive hormones and helps maintain the body’s circadian rhythm.

Aumand amenshould always be spoken very reverently as though you’re touching one of the most sacred symbols of Divinity. They are not magic words nor are they curative or therapeutic words to be used in pain and suffering but, rather, they are purely Divine words to bring about attunement and oneness with God in the highest spiritual sense.

The practice of chanting Aumencourages progress toward sadhana. The purpose is well stated in the Upanishads: “What world does he who meditates on Aum until the end of his life, win by That? If he meditates on the Supreme Being with the syllable Aum, he becomes one with the Light, he is led to the world of Brahman [the Absolute Being] Who is higher than the highest life, That which is tranquil, unaging, immortal, fearless, and supreme.” – Prashna Upanishad 5:1, 5, 7

In the yoga, Aumis the holiest of holy words, the supreme mantra. Aumis also called the pranava, a Sanskrit word that means both controller of the life force (prana) and the life giver (infuser of prana). Each of us has the capacity to enter the vast universe within ourselves and become conscious of the Divine spirit that is beyond the material reality we understand through the five senses. The daily chanting of Aumdaily in during mundane routines such as cooking, cleaning, and taking a shower will help you learn to shift your perspective and enter a meditative state many times throughout your day. In this state of mind, you will come to see all obstacles and challenges in your everyday life as opportunities to learn more about yourself and your individual inner strengths. This simple practice of sadhanacan have profound impact on your inner harmony and path to health and happiness.


The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. 

Ayurveda 101


Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of health care—it is the tree of knowledge from which many popular medicines and therapeutic interventions have grown. Used for 5,000 years by many thousands of doctors on millions of patients, Ayurveda is the time-tested medical system of India. The term Ayurvedais Sanskrit and means the “Science of Life.” It encompasses a variety of natural therapies and philosophies that support and enhance individual balance, health, and wellness. It has made huge advances in surgery, herbal medicine, herbal extracts, medicinal uses of minerals and metals, human anatomy, physiology, psychology, nutrition, and exercise.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined health as a state of complete, physical, mental, and social well-being—not merely the absence of disease. Ayurveda goes a step beyond this by offering a complete philosophy of life. It gives equal importance to all aspects of life, including those that are subjective and intangible, when addressing disease and imbalance. Ayurveda’s success and longevity stem from its capacity to teach us how to live vibrantly by creating good health at every step along the way.

Ayurveda is multifaceted, and practitioners often undergo years of training. It is an extremely sophisticated system of observation that categorizes clients by distinctive anatomic and metabolic “types” also known asprakruti. According to Ayurvedic teaching, each person exhibits a distinct pattern of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. The course of illness and remedies are determined in part by each client’s constitution and the environment in which he or she exists.

In Ayurvedic philosophy, our prakruti is made up of a combination of doshas. There are three doshas that govern our psychobiological functioning: vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha comprises the five elements (panchamahabhutas) and are present in every cell, tissue, and organ of the body. All five elements are present in each dosha, but the two predominating elements determine the defining qualities of the dosha. The doshas are responsible for the huge variety of individual differences and preferences, and they influence all that we are and all that we do—from our choices of food to the ways we relate to others. 

The doshas also govern the biological and psychological processes of our body, mind, and consciousness. They regulate the creation, maintenance, and destruction of bodily tissue as well as the elimination of waste products. They even govern our emotions and mental state. When in balance, the doshas generate understanding, compassion, love, and health. When their balance is upset by stress, improper diet, and environmental conditions, they give rise to disturbances such as anger, fear, anxiety, confusion, depression, and disease. Thus, when in balance, they create health and well-being; when out of balance, they cause disease and distress.

The goal of Ayurveda is to protect the health of a healthy person and restore health of a sick person by maintaining or bringing the body back into constitutional balance (doshic balance). Many factors can disturb the balance of the body such as stress, unhealthy diet, toxins, weather, work, strained relationships, and lifestyle choices. Such disturbances are expressed in the body as disease. Inherent in Ayurvedic principles is the concept that you are capable of taking charge of your own life and healing. When we becomes ill, the illness is not likely to completely resolve unless we change the behaviors that caused it. Understanding genetic makeup and getting to the bottom of these factors is an important process of the Ayurvedic medical science.

An Ayurvedic practitioner creates specific health programs according to each individual's doshic patterns, addressing each person’s illness as unique to him or her. Ayurvedic treatments may include internal and external medicinal remedies, diet plans, exercise, daily lifestyle programs, external body therapies, yoga, meditation, and detoxification and rejuvenation practices. Through a combination of these techniques and understanding of an individual’s unique constitution, Ayurveda can provide a complete system of healing with long-term solutions.


The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. 

Bhastrika Pranayama


Bhastrika means “bellows breath” or “the breath of fire.” During this transitional period between winter and spring, practicing bhastrika every day during this time can help minimize spring’s kapha-aggravating potential while encouraging the body to eliminate any excess kapha accumulated during the winter. It is a great pranayama practice for balancing kapha and vata; but practiced in excess, it can aggravate pitta, so it should only be done in moderation for pitta conditions.

Practicing bhastrika cleanses mucus from the chest and sinuses; kindles gastric fire; improves circulation; and supports vigor, vitality, and proper elimination. It improves the tone of the bronchial, heart, and diaphragm muscles, and helps prevent heart and lung diseases. It’s very easy to perform and can be incorporated into your daily life no matter where you are. To practice bhastrika, follow the instructions below:

  • Sit cross-legged, keeping the right hand on the right knee, the left hand on the left knee, and the spine straight.

  • Do a slight chin lock, contract the anus, and begin to do bellows breathing, which means inhaling and exhaling forcefully. This involves rapid and vigorous inhalations and exhalations powered by the rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm. The movement of air as you inhale and exhale should be audible.

  • You can do 30 bellows breaths of equal vigor and duration and then rest.

  • When you’ve finished the required number of expulsions (30 per round is a good starting point), follow the final expulsion with the deepest inhalation possible. Hold this breath for as long as it feels comfortable to do so; then exhale very deeply and slowly.

  • The end of this deep exhalation completes one round of bhastrika. You may start with one or two rounds (30 each) and work yourself up to more inhalations and exhalations per round.

  • Contraindications include pregnancy, high blood pressure, glaucoma, hydrocele, hernia, ascites, and recent history of a heart attack. 

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any

Yoga Tips for Pitta

Pitta types tend to have the best focus and determination of the three Ayurvedic types. As yoga practitioners, they’re  able to maintain a very disciplined practice once oriented correctly, due to their innate physical and mental qualities. First, however, pittas must understand their strengths and limitations. In general, pitta individuals tend to overheat and become irritable and may even lack the patience to begin a yoga practice. Because of their determination, they may overdo postures, becoming aggressive with themselves, and they tend stick to poses they can do well while ignoring the ones that they are most in need of developing further.

According to Ayurveda pitta types will do best with a practice that fosters equilibrium. Pittas should perform asanas that are cooling, nurturing, expansive, and relaxing. This type of practice requires slow, deep breathing and quiet sitting between strong asanas, releasing any stress that has developed. This doesn’t mean that pittas should totally avoid challenging poses, but if they do practice such poses, they should make sure to compensate for any heat created by ending with cooling postures and pranayama.

People with an imbalance in the pitta dosha tend to suffer from excess heat in their bodies. Poses that extend the solar plexus (where pitta resides) help dissipate heat, calming and cooling the body; however, it’s important not to fall for the temptation to cool pitta indiscriminately—our bellies should always be warm, but our heads, cool. Pitta types tend to be good at most asanas but their relatively compact bones make it hard for them to do some poses that rangy vata types find easy.

In general, a pitta person’s yoga practice should cool the head and blood, calm the heart, and relieve tension, fostering compassion, acceptance, and relaxation. It should achieve these ends through unforced effort. Pittas can cultivate this type of practice by following some basic guidelines: 

  • Have fun in your poses. Do not take yourself or your pose too seriously. 

  • Enjoy movement in your poses. 

  • Soften your gaze downward, focus on the horizon, or even practice with your eyes closed. 

  • Allow freedom and creativity in your practice. Change it up. Avoid sticking to one style or series of poses. 

  • Practice in a moderately cool space. You do not want to get cold, but pittas should avoid practicing in overheated spaces. 

  • Focus on the yoga experience in your body, not your brain. 

  • Work at 80 percent effort. 

  • Avoid being judgmental and critical of yourself. 

  • Make sure you have plenty of practice space. 

  • Remind yourself that yoga is not a competition. 

  • Focus on your exhalation. 

  • Use the exhalation to let go and release any built-up anger, frustration, stress, etc. 

  • Be aware of your breath in the back of your body. 

  • Practice plenty of twists and side-body openers. 

  • Notice the position of your ribs; draw them back into your body. 

  • Benefit from practicing at a moderate pace. 

  • Remind yourself that less is more.

For more information on how to balance pitta email us. We have loads of information we love to share!

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease.

Connecting Yoga through Breath


A proper understanding of the connections between yoga and Ayurveda is essential for the effective treatment of illness. Classical texts on yoga such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika describe several asanas (body postures) and enumerate their benefits based on Ayurvedic principles. Ayurvedic practitioners developed yoga as a form of physical exercise that would support the recovery of diseased internal organs and help alleviate structural imbalances. By applying Ayurveda’s concept of the doshas and its understanding of disease and body qualities and functions to a daily physical routine, these practitioners extended Ayurveda’s healing powers to the asanas.

Most yoga practitioner restrict themselves by stating that an asana can help restore balance among the three doshas or address certain diseases that are explained in Ayurveda. Ayurveda mentions that all forms of therapy can be classified under two broad categories: Those that nourish the body, brmhaṇa, and those that remove imbalances from the body, langhana. Most methods of therapy suggested in Ayurveda fall under langhana, including both palliative and eliminative methods, because, in both, we are primarily reducing some body quality that is aggravated or present in excess. 

One reason that most Ayurvedic treatments start with the reduction or removal of imbalances is that a balanced state of being is a natural consequence of these therapies. Another reason is that treatment is basically dependent on the status of agni, or digestive fire. The central role of agni in maintaining balanced health is acknowledged in both yoga and Ayurveda. The primary purpose of all treatment and an important goal of practicing asanas is to keep the agni functioning well. 

Though both body positioning and breathing are integral to the practice of asanas, breathing is of greater importance in addressing many disorders of the body such as hypertension or diabetes, as well as in managing psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, we need to choose a body position in which the person is able to breathe freely, emphasizing the appropriate component of the breathing cycle.  

For instance, inhalation helps to increase agni and activates metabolism, similar to the effect of  fanning flames. As a natural process of elimination, exhalation helps remove toxins and waste that dull the agni, enabling agni to function more efficiently. In many functional disorders, it is important to ensure that exhalation is performed correctly, even if inhalation is the component of breathing to be emphasized.


For brmhaṇa, the nourishing aspect of Ayurvedic therapy, to be effective, the agni has to be functioning properly. Otherwise, even if we consume nourishing foods and herbs, they will not be of use to our body, because agni is what allows our body tissues to assimilate nutrients. In many disease states, langhana is usually required first to remove the blockages in digestive energy. Only then will brmhaṇa be possible at all. This is why Ayurvedic texts suggest that even in a situation where brmhaṇa is necessary, it may be good to start with mild langhana first. However the converse of this principle does not apply: brmhaṇa is not to be done for a person who requires langhana.

Classical yoga texts explain the connection between the various types of pranayama (breathing exercises) and the three doshas and various other body qualities and functions. Specific types of pranayama can be used in decreasing the qualities of particular doshas when they are out of balance. Also, these texts relate breathing to the qualities of heat and cold in the body. They classify the types of pranayama as heating and cooling and also suggest that inhalation through the right nostril is heating, while inhalation through the left nostril is cooling. These specific connections between breathing and body qualities are one of the most important reasons that breath is more important to the management of health than asanas. 

Whatever style of yoga we adopt, a clear understanding of the relationship between body and mind and their relationship with breathing and food is essential in order to apply yoga and Ayurveda effectively in the treatment of illness. 

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease. 

So Hum Mantra

According to both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the So Ham mantra is considered to be the vibration of the cosmic unheard AUM and produces a union between the individual and universal consciousness. “So Hum” is translated as “I Am That” Pronunciation: So – Hahmmm The two seed syllables inherent four polarities:

  • The polarity of female Yin energy, represented by So, and male Yang energy, represented by Hum;
  • The polarity of inspiration (So – cold air) and expiration (Hum – warm air);
  • The polarity of mental (So) and emotional (Hum) energies;
  • The polarity of spirit (So) and matter (Hum).

How to Meditate
Sit comfortably and quietly with your palms up, open, and placed on your knees and pay attention to your breath. Let your lungs breath with no effort on your part. Simply watch your breath. Inhale. Exhale. Silently pronounce So on inhalation and Hum on exhalation.

Hum means “I“or the individual ego; So means “He, the Divine”. In the natural course of So – Hum meditation, with the So going in, life energy goes in. When Hum goes out, ego, our limited individuality, goes out. Proper practice of So – Hum meditation leads to the union of the individual with the universal Cosmic Consciousness. No effort is required, no concentration, no judgment, just choiceless observation. In that state there is great joy, beauty, and love.

The best time to chant the So – Hum mantra is in the morning before eating breakfast. The chanting will release a finer energy that can be used throughout the day. An early evening meditation before having a meal will relax the body and renew energy depleted during the day.

For how long?
It is important that you sit silent and meditate after silent So – Hum chanting. You can start with 5 minutes silent chanting followed by 10 minutes of silent meditation.

Practice this easy meditation every day for at least ten to fifteen minutes (or longer) and you will discover for yourself the treasure house of meditation. 

Pranayama means control of breath. Vedic science teaches us how to control our mind by breathing practices. We also can use pranayama to activate male (solar) and female (lunar) energy then needed, or harmonize them.

TODAY’S TIP: It is important to meditate in a room that is not used very often and that feels to be your space (such as your bedroom). It shouldn’t be cluttered with too many things and should contain a window.

Why Meditation?

 "In meditation, when the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam - it is very powerful and healing can happen."  Sri Ravi Shankar

So what is it to be healthy? To attain a perfect state of health, one also has to remain mentally calm, steady and emotionally stable. In Ayurveda Swathya means health. Its definition includes being in one's self. Swathya or health is not just confined to the body or the mind; it also connects with the spirit or consciousness. The clearer the consciousness is the more well-being is gained. It has been said that the root of an illness can lay in mind/consciousness. So by attending to the mind, clearing if of disturbances the recovery to health speeds up.  

The practice and philosophy of Ayurveda are not only to restore balance and ease the aches and pains of the body but also those of the spirit. Since ancient times, the message of Ayurveda has been to keep in a state of balance and to avoid extremes so that the existence of the Divine can be felt on the central nervous system. Meditation has great benefits for the human system as a whole. Many people vouch for the fact that meditation has caused marked improvements in their health situations both physical and mental. This has also been proved correct scientifically. Mediation is a process by which there are marked changes in the patterns of the brain waves, having long-term healing effects. Scientists have started realizing the importance of mediation in various healing procedures. Many doctors are now starting to recommend the process of meditation in the cases of people suffering from chronic disorders and also in the cases of terminally ill patients. 

Meditation gives complete rest to the entire system, especially to the brain that keeps functioning during the time we sleep. It invigorates and relaxes the mind so that it can start again afresh. Through meditation the body's metabolism is given attention helping lower the heart rate and blood pressure, which is directly related to the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body, thus reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Stress-related disorders are greatly impacted with the practice of meditation. Stress releases lactate and cortisol in the bloodstream, having a damaging effect on various organs. Meditation helps reduce the production of these chemicals. Keep the body vital and strong. 

Prana (or breath) is the vital life energy and is the very basis of health and well-being. Practicing breathing through meditation will provide you with energy, alertness, good humor riding your body of lethargy, dullness or weak enthusiasm. It has been profoundly useful for patients suffering from respiratory disorders because the process of breathing gets stabilized and relaxed, promoting clear and even flow of breath to the entire system. People suffering with asthma, allergies, and sleeping disorders are greatly impacted by the daily practice of breathing meditations. 

So many people misunderstand meditation and when the hear the word "meditation" they want to run the other way. Most people think "oh there is no way I can sit for that long, or I am too busy, sick or have a too an active mind." They key is to start slowly. In Dr. Frawley mentioned in his book "Ayurveda and the mind" Mantras serves like a boat to take us across the ocean of the unconscious. Mantra prepared meditation is easier, safer and stronger than trying to meditate directly. For beginners, guided meditation is very beneficial. Below is a couple simple meditations and mantra. Give it a try and see how meditation can significantly impact your life!

Simple Daily Meditation
Allow the mind to relax; please follow theses easy instructions. Sit on the forward third of a chair or a cushion on the floor. Arrange your legs in a position you can maintain comfortably. In the half-lotus position, place your right leg on your left thigh. In the full lotus position, put your feet on opposite legs. You may also sit quietly with your legs tucked in close to your body, but be sure that your weight is distributed on three points: both of your knees on the ground and your buttocks on the ground cushion. On a chair, keep your knees apart about the width of your shoulders, feet firmly planted on the floor.

Take a deep breath, exhale fully, and take another deep breath, exhaling fully. With proper physical posture, you're breathing will flow naturally into your lower abdomen. Breathe naturally, without judgment or trying to breathe a certain way. Keep your attention on your breath. When your attention wanders, bring it back to the breath again and again -- as many times as necessary! Remain as still as possible, following your breath and returning to it whenever thoughts arise.  Be full, vitally present with yourself. Simply do your very best. At the end of you're sitting period, gently swing your body from right to left in increasing arcs. Stretch out your legs, and be sure they have felt before standing. Practice this peaceful meditation every day for at least ten to fifteen minutes (or longer), and you will discover for yourself the treasure house of meditation.

Yoga and Ayurveda

Ayurveda and yoga are sister Vedic sciences that have been united for thousands of years for the sake of healing body, mind, and consciousness. Generally speaking, Ayurveda deals more with the health of the body, while yoga deals with purifying the mind and consciousness, but in reality they complement and embrace each other.

The ancient rishis (seers) were the original masters of all Vedic sciences. They understood that good health is a great asset on the path toward Self-realization. If the body is neglected it can easily become an obstacle to spiritual practice. Anyone who has practiced meditation for any length of time would agree to how difficult it can be to sit still for long periods of time without feeling discomfort and fatigue. Both yoga and Ayurveda are mutually supportive and offer many ways to prevent and heal various disorders as well as to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

Besides sharing a philosophical foundation, both systems have many similarities in relation to attitude, nutrition, diet, hygiene, exercise, cleansing practices, as well as spiritual practices. Traditionally, a student of yoga would first live close to and serve the guru for many years, during which time he would learn healthy habits. The basic Ayurvedic principles for health and longevity were past on in the lineage in oral form to serve as a foundation for a life of sadhana (spiritual practice).

Nowadays, the teachings of yoga are easily available to all, and whether prepared or not we can leap headlong into its practice. This has its blessings, in the sense that more people can be turned on to the teachings, although much is often lost without the parampara, or close guidance at the feet of an accomplished master. With this in mind, modern yoga practitioners would most certainly benefit from a basic knowledge of Ayurveda to help establish a healthy daily routine and adjust their practice according to the constitution, dosha imbalance, season, and so on, to prevent disease and promote longevity.

First, let's take a look at the similarities between yoga and Ayurveda: Both are ancient Vedic teachings. Yoga originates in the Yajur Veda, while Ayurveda originates in the Atharva Veda and Rig Veda. Both recognize that keeping the body healthy is vital for fulfilling the four aims of life: Dharma (duty), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire), and Moksha (liberation). Both recognize that the balance of doshas (humors), dhatus (tissues), and malas (waste products) is essential for maintaining good health. Both share virtually the same metaphysical anatomy and physiology, which consists of 72,000 nadis (subtle channels), 7 main chakras (energy centers), 5 bodily sheaths, and the Kundalini Shakti (energy). 

Both advocate the use of diet, herbs, asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, astrology, prayer, puja, and rituals for healing the entire being. Both encourage physical health as a good foundation for mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Both share the same view on psychology. Ayurveda embraces all six of the main schools of philosophy including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Vedanta (a non-dual philosophical and spiritual path). They both understand that the attachment to the body-mind complex is the root cause of all suffering and that the ultimate state of health is experienced when we abide in our true nature, which is total peace, regardless of the state of the physical body. Both use cleansing methods for the body, all of which encourage the removal of waste products and toxins through their natural routes of elimination. Ayurveda has panchakarma (five cleansing actions) and yoga uses Shat Karma (six purification measures) 

The use of asana, pranayama, and meditation for healing is known as Yoga Chikitsa, or Yoga Therapy and has been used for thousands of years by Ayurveda. In Yoga Chikitsa, a group of yogic exercises are chosen that will best support the individual and are practiced daily. This can be done over an extended period of time in conjunction with an Ayurvedic regime and herbal and dietary therapies. Yoga Chikitsa also plays an integral role in the Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation process known as panchakarma. For a well balanced personal yoga practice, it is important to take into consideration the individual's body structure, prakruti (original constitution), and vikruti (present constitutional imbalance). The following are general recommendations according to the predominant dosha.

Vata predominant individuals should remember to focus on calming, grounding, stillness, strengthening, and balancing while doing their practice. Vinyasa or flow styles of yoga tend to move too quickly from one pose to the next and can aggravate the hyper-mobile quality of vata over time. Flow sequences can be made to be more vata pacifying if they are not excessively long, the length of time poses are held is extended, and transitions are done slowly and consciously. Those with lower back problems may find that bending the knees in standing forward bends can prevent discomfort. Back bends should be done slowly, carefully and within one's own limits.

Pitta individuals should maintain a calm, cool, and relaxed intention while doing asanas. Pitta types may benefit from trying to cultivate an attitude of forgiveness, and of surrendering or offering the fruits of their practice to the divine of to those in need of positive healing energy. Because asana practice tends to generate heat in the body, it is best to do them at cooling times of the day, such as dawn or dusk. Also, it is useful to place some emphasis on poses that help to release excess heat from the body, such as poses that compress the solar plexus and poses that open the chest like.

Kapha types tend to be sedentary and often dislike vigorous exercise. For this reason, their practice should be energetic, warming, lightening, and stimulating, providing they are physically capable. Vinyasa or flow style yoga is good for kapha because it is dynamic and moves quickly from one pose to the next, it induces sweating and gets the heart pumping.

Yoga poses that address specific doshic problems can be easily added to an Ayurvedic regime and integrated into an existing yoga routine, or they can be organized as a small session with the help of an Ayurvedic clinician who knows each individual case well and can help set up a well balanced program according to the needs of each client.