15 Reasons Why You Should Take Triphala Daily

One of Ayurveda’s most frequently used herbal formulation, triphala is made from the dried fruits of the haritaki, bibhitaki, and amalaki trees. The three dried fruits are ground into powder and blended in equal parts to maximize the formulation’s efficiency. Its popularity as a digestive aid, bowel cleanser, and wellness support derives from the Ayurvedic teachings that suggest a healthy digestive system leads to a healthier life. 

According to some Ayurvedic teachings, triphala’s power to optimize digestive health and promote wellness lies mainly in its gentle, effective laxative action. Unlike many other laxatives, triphala doesn’t stress the digestive system by forcing the liver and gall bladder to secrete digestive juices. Instead, it works like a sponge that helps not only clean out the intestinal tract but also detoxify the liver and blood. Many Ayurvedic experts hold a broader view of triphala, arguing that its many health diverse benefits stem from its rich store of potent nutrients.

Top 15 Benefits of Triphala

1.     Normalizes and improves digestive functioning.

2.     Alleviates constipation.

3.     Tones the gastrointestinal tract.

4.     Cleanses the bowels.

5.     Purifies the blood.

6.     Removes excess fats from of the body.

7.     Cleanses the liver. 

8.     Builds immunity and contains high levels of vitamin C

9.     Maintains good male and female reproductive health. 

10.  Nourishes and strengthens the respiratory tract. 

11.  Improves eyesight.

12.  Boosts voice quality. 

13.  Enhances hair color and strengthens hair roots.

14.  Provides polyphenols and other powerful antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress on the body.

15.  Contains anthraquinone, which helps stimulate peristalsis.

For optimal results, take no more than 1 ½ teaspoons of triphala 45 minutes after having dinner or just before bed. It’s best to boil the powder for 5 minutes in 1 cup of water, but it also can be taken with a spoonful of honey or in milk. Boiling the herbs helps break down the molecules, allowing for better absorption. Triphala is also available in tablet form. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for more detailed advice on how to use triphala to support optimal health.

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease.