5 Practices for Finding Peace of Mind in the New Year — Purusha Ayurveda

5 Practices for Finding Peace of Mind in the New Year


“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world.” ~Marcus Aurelius

Happy New Year! To get the new year off to a great start, I want to share some valuable tips for finding inner peace—something we all struggle to attain. The practices listed below are the ones that help me the most when I notice myself slipping into an unquiet state of mind. 

1.Dinacharya:Dinacharya—the Ayurvedic tradition of following a daily routine based on the rhythms of the natural world—plays an essential role in maintaining our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. A schedule that assigns a set time to every activity—from waking up and cleansing ourselves to eating, working, and going to bed—not only helps our bodies function more smoothly and efficiently, but also serves as a framework for a calm, well-ordered existence, More on dinacharya.

2. Practice patience: Patience is an essential ingredient in attaining the ultimate goal of Ayurveda for yourself and others. Understand that optimizing health and finding peace take time. Don’t expect things to happen overnight. Patience is especially important when it comes to dealing with other people. Instead of flying off the handle when people offend you, take a deep breath and remind yourself you can’t control what other people do, but you can control your reaction to their behavior. Choose to respond in a way that  allows you to maintain your equilibrium. 

3. Know yourself:To seek Truth, we have to be able to accept that we don’t always have the right answers, while also trusting that somewhere deep within ourselves, we have all the wisdom we need to navigate our lives with ease and peace. Decide which qualities—compassion, dignity, generosity, fairness—are most important to you and strive to cultivate them. Define the major principles that guide your life and look for new ways to uphold them every day.

4. Embrace your humanity.To be a perfectionist is to hide behind a mask that presents a barrier to true intimacy. To be fully human is to be imperfect. Accept your mistakes and failures—only then will you be able to move beyond them. Practice self-love, and in stressful situations, look at what you did well, and celebrate the progress you’ve made. 

5. Meditate:Meditation brings the inner peace and stability that’s needed for a healthy life. Taking just 5–15 minutes each morning to sit quietly and observe your mind will help you start your day in a serene and balanced mood. More on meditation.

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease.
