Asthma, known as “svasa” in ayurveda, is a chronic condition that can cause difficulty breathing. Ayurveda generally recognizes asthma as a kapha disorder, which can be accompanied by vata in many cases. If you’re an asthma sufferer looking to find relief, ayurveda offers several lifestyle changes and treatments that can help reduce flare-ups and bring balance back to your life. Let’s take a closer look at how this ancient practice can help ease the symptoms of asthma.
Dietary Recommendations for Asthma
Ayurveda recommends avoiding certain foods that increase the symptoms of asthma, such as dairy products and cold drinks. Additionally, it’s important to stay away from heavily processed foods and those with artificial ingredients. Instead, focus on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains like quinoa or brown rice, lean proteins like fish or chicken, nuts and seeds for healthy fats, and spices like turmeric or cumin for flavor.
Lifestyle Tips for Reducing Asthma
There are also some lifestyle tips you can follow to reduce your asthma symptoms according to ayurveda. These include reducing stress levels through yoga or meditation; exercising regularly; avoiding cold temperatures; sleeping eight hours a night; taking warm baths with Epsom salt; getting regular massages with essential oils like eucalyptus or camphor; drinking herbal teas; staying hydrated throughout the day; and avoiding exposure to smoke or other pollutants in the air.
Herbal Remedies for Easing Asthma
In addition to making dietary changes, taking herbal supplements may also be beneficial for those with asthma. Herbs such as licorice root, ginger root, turmeric root, and pippali have been known to help reduce inflammation in the lungs and improve breathing. Taking herbs regularly can also boost immunity so you’re better able to fight off infections that could trigger an asthma attack. It’s important to discuss any herbal supplement use with your healthcare provider before beginning the use of herbs.
Asthma Relief Honey Recipe
5 Tbs of ginger powder
2 Tbs of turmeric powder
1 Tbs of Pippali powder
1 cup of raw honey
1 cup of warm water per serving
In a small bowl, combine the herbs, mixing well. Next, add the honey and stir. When serving stir one teaspoon of formula into a warm cup of water. Do not use hot water as it will affect the properties of the honey.
Yoga & Pranayama Practices For Prevention
Finally, regular yoga practice may be helpful in preventing asthmatic episodes from occurring in the first place. Pranayama (breathing) exercises are particularly useful for those with asthma because they strengthen the respiratory system and increase lung capacity over time. Yoga poses like salabhasana (locust pose), baddha konasana (bound angle pose), and setu bandhasana (bridge pose) are all great poses for strengthening the chest muscles which helps improve airflow during an attack. Additionally, yogic meditation practices can positively impact mental well-being which is invaluable when living with chronic conditions like asthma.
If you’re looking for more information about how to manage your asthma using Ayurvedic practices, consult with a certified practitioner who can help create a personalized plan for you. These ancient techniques have been proven effective time and time again and with dedicated practice, you too can experience symptom relief and improved quality of life!
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Ayurvedic pharmacology is a time-proven system that spans a wide range of gentle yet potent herbal formulations and natural body care products that has demonstrated its effectiveness over 5,000+ years
The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease.