
Incorporating Essential Oils into Your Daily Yoga Practice

Integrating essential oils into your daily yoga routine can expand the capacity of your practice to nurture wellness by supporting your immune system, sharpening your concentration, and lightening your mood. It’s easy to heighten the mental and physical effects of yoga with the nourishing properties of essential oils, and the impact of doing so can be profound. I suggest using dōTERRA essential oils for their purity and effectiveness. Below are a few suggestions on how to incorporate the oils into your practice:

For a mood-balancing practice, begin with dōTERRA’s Breathe essential oil to strengthen your connection with your breath and deepen your breathing. Place a drop or two in your palms, and cup your hands over your face. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Then concentrate on feeling grounded as you practice the poses.

To optimize your mental energy, place a few drops of peppermint oil at the top of your mat. Dip your finger in the oil, and draw a circle on your mat, repeating the circle a couple times. Peppermint oil works a lot like a mantra; it helps you focus by evoking a calm yet alert mental state and supports intelligence throughout your practice. Just before ending your practice, apply Balance essential oils to the bottoms of your feet, and then relax into corpse pose.

If you need to make your practice quick, sun salutations are the way to go. Start by sitting in lotus position at the top of your mat. Add 1–2 drops of peppermint oil to the palm of one hand, rub both hands together, and breathe in deeply, allowing yourself to connect to your breath and clear your mind. Next, apply the oil to your chest, over your lungs; this helps open the airways and prepare your body for effective oxygenation. Then place 1 drop of wild orange on your wrists and 1 on the back of the neck. Inhale deeply and start your sun salutation practice. Once you are done with the sun salutations, end your practice by applying lavender oil to the bottoms of your feet and resting in corpse pose.

Additional Tips:

Some people like to help the body detox during a yoga practice; if this is you, take 2 drops of lemon essential oil in your water before and after your session to help flush toxins and cleanse the body.

For meditation, use sandalwood and or frankincense to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

To clean your mat, pour 4 ounces of water into a glass spray bottle, and add 10 drops each of lavender and melaleuca essential oils.

The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of Ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease.